Employ or rent staff?

Hiring – more costs 

When you hire, you take on a great responsibility and make a financial investment. You not only pay a salary once a month, but also a number of other costs. First of all, you pay for the often time-consuming recruitment process. Once you hire someone, an employer's fee is added to each salary, pension costs and costs such as holiday and sick pay. You therefore pay even when the employee is unable to work.

To rent – ​​less costs and needs-based

When you hire staff, you pay a fixed hourly cost to Power4u2. It entails many costs you earn. When you hire someone, it is Power4u2 and not you who is the employer. This means that you hand over everything from wages and employer contributions to various allowances to them. In addition, you can think more needs-based, and hire staff only during the period that is actually needed. This means that you only pay for the time that staff is actually on site and working, while saving you time (which is also money) as you don't have to think about administration and recruitment

5 advantages of staffing

1. Staffing is flexible and cost-effective.

 Sometimes a certain type of staff is only needed for a certain period of time. With Power4u2, you can easily hire staff only for the period or tasks that are needed. For example, if the company undergoes a major change or if an employee goes on parental leave, staffing can fill temporary gaps without a major investment. Staffing also works well as a solution if your need for labor varies greatly during different seasons. Staffing means that you only pay for labor that is actually needed. In addition, you only pay for the hours that the person actually works, as Power4u2 is the employer and is responsible for, among other things, holiday and sick pay.

2. Power4u2 saves your time.

 Recruitment is not only a costly process, it is also time-consuming. In order to make a good recruitment, it is necessary that you are thorough, thoughtful and that you also know what you are doing. Going via Power4u2 saves you time that you can spend on other parts of the business instead. In addition, with the security that the addition will be as good as possible. Once you have the person at your workplace, you also don't have to spend time on salaries and administration, because all of this is handled by Power4u2.

3. Staffing provides diversity 

Diversity has a number of benefits in a workplace and can help you bring in new perspectives and ideas. In a recruitment process, however, it is easy for your prejudices to influence who you choose, and unconsciously it is usually the person who is most like yourself who is chosen. In addition, many positions are filled through contacts, leaving out many suitable candidates. Power4u2 attracts many candidates who, for various reasons, have had difficulty entering the labor market. Candidates who are not inferior in any way. Most often, it is about people who do not have a strong network of contacts, such as those born abroad or young people at the beginning of their career. However, this does not mean that everyone is, there are also consultants who have already advanced in their careers and who have more specialized and complex skills. With the help of Power4u2, you can bring in people with different experiences and backgrounds based on the skills, without prejudices affecting

4. Staffing is an excellent way to test new employees 

Recruitment can be a costly gamble. No matter how good a candidate appears in the recruitment process, it is impossible to know how they will perform or fit into the workplace until the candidate has actually started. By hiring staff instead, you have the chance to, without risking an expensive wrong recruitment, test the person and see that everything works well. If you both enjoy it, you have the option of offering the hired employee employment after the end of the rental period. If, on the other hand, you are not satisfied with the one you hired, it is usually free of charge to change candidates at Power4u2.

5. Power4u2 are experts in recruitment

 It is quite obvious that staffing companies are good at staffing. After all, that's what they do. You are of course allowed to provide input and feedback throughout the process as you are the one who makes the final choice. So you don't have to worry about not knowing who you're hiring. Staffing can not only function as a test of the employee - it can also function as a test of a new service you plan to create. By hiring a person, you can see if the position and tasks work well and you can then decide if it is worth hiring someone for the position if you so wish.